How much is it to hire a nanny with you?
All jobs will be given a set quote with additional hours at an hourly rate.
Our rates start at $50ph.
Many factors are taken into consideration when quoting- number of children and their ages, the location and on the job requests.

Will we get to meet our nanny before the wedding day?
In most cases, yes. You will need to inform us and book in a home visit/meet and greet. The nanny assigned to your booking will discuss this with you directly.
Meet and greets are $45ph, with a 2hr minimum and payable directly to your nanny.

Do we have to provide a meal or food for the nanny?
Yes. For all wedding bookings 4hrs and over, a vendor meal (at minimum) is required to be provided for your nanny. If the booking is in accommodation or off site we will discuss options with you.

Do you transport the children?
Yes, we can transport children to and from venues- in your car or ours.
This must be discussed and booked prior to the day.

Do we have to provide a car for you to transport the children in?
Short answer, no. All of our nannies, unless stated, have clean, fully insured, safe cars for transportation. However with car seat configuration and availability, it could work better to use your own. Please discuss this in the booking process.

Do you have car seats for the children, in your own cars?
Some of our nannies have car seats. They are within their manufacturing date, are clean and well maintained. Please ensure you discuss this in the booking process, to make sure the nanny has the correct car seat available, in line with the Victorian road laws.

Are there additional costs?
Car seat hire is $10per car seat
KMs driven during the booking are charged at the ATO rate of .85c p/km (2024/25 rate).
Additional activity set ups, quoted per job.

Can you do the flower girls hair?
Yes! We can do your little ladies' hair for them in braids, pig tails or pinned back. Please discuss this when booking and add in any photos you have for ideas.

How do you keep the children calm, happy and entertained during the ceremony?
Kids can be unpredictable. Sometimes they’re quite happy to snuggle into a grandparents cuddle, or aunties embrace. When they’re not though, we can swiftly come and get them, all you have to do is give us the nod (your nanny will discuss this with you further). We will find a quieter space, where they can stretch their legs, chase bubbles or play with a few toys. Then bring them back at the end of the ceremony, or for photos (details will be discussed in the lead up to the wedding day)

Do you provide care at different cultural and religious weddings/ceremonies?
Yes. We offer care for all cultural and religious ceremonies. Please include this detail in the booking, to ensure the nanny is dressed appropriately and respectfully, to reflect your customs.

What does the nanny wear?
Our nannies will be well presented, in comfortable clothing. Our aim is to blend in on the day, following your wedding dress code.

Do you care for the children onsite at the reception venue?
Yes. Our nannies are very familiar with many wedding venues across Victoria and we can provide care onsite.
When thinking about booking a nanny and the space where the children will retire to, sleep, have a quiet space etc, please discuss this with the venue. Not all venues have suitable quiet rooms for children to sleep, if accommodation isn’t on the venue's property. If you’re unsure about this, please also discuss this with us as we are able to help guide you with what is a suitable space.

Where do the children sleep at the reception venue?
This will vary depending on the venue. This is something we will discuss with you, if the child/ren isn’t going back to accommodation.
Sometimes it’s a ‘VIP room’ or the bridal suite too. Some venues have designated rooms especially for the bridal party to use and others don’t (we’ve even had little ones go to sleep in the chapel adjacent to the reception room)

How many children can you care for at one time?
This is a case by case basis.

We determine how many nannies are required for one booking by a few things-
The Victorian childcare ratio plays into it (1:4 for children 2 and under, 1:11 for children 3 and over) however, not all venues suit this. If the children are quite young, multiples, on different routines, etc. Also for the nannies or children's safety- no one to stay with the children when the nanny needs the toilet, has something to eat etc.

For example- if you are booking for one 3mth old, one 7mth old and a 3yr old, we would quote two nannies to ensure safety and high quality care of the children is maintained.

Can we have multiple families in one booking?
Yes, we can have multiple families in one booking. Please detail this in the booking form.

Do you set up activity zones or spaces for the children to play at the reception?
Yes, we can set up small activity zones for the children.

Do you provide toys and items for the children to play with before the ceremony, or at accommodation?
Yes, our wonderful team all have a few items they bring to all weddings to keep little ones entertained and distracted when required. Bubbles, cars, books, dollies are some of what we are offered. If you are looking for more of an activity set up, please detail this in your enquiry.

Do you prepare food or bottles for the children?
Yes! All of your child’s needs and routines will be taken care of.
Some venues can be tricky to heat bottles and baby foods, we have ways around this and can suggest best ways to prepare before the wedding too.

What do you do when the children go to sleep and there’s only one room (like in a hotel)?
These hotel and reception rooms can be tricky to manage and not always very comfortable for our nannies. Generally we sit quietly with our air-pods in, listening to or watching something on one of our devices.
However, we know it’s part of the job and bring items to keep us entertained in dimly lit spaces. That way too, we’re there the moment a child might wake up, to soothe them back to sleep, or attend to their other needs.

Where are your main servicing areas?
Melbourne CBD and inner suburbs, north-east Melbourne, south-east Melbourne, Dandenong Ranges, The Yarra Valley, Phillip Island and the Mornington Peninsula. If your wedding is outside of this area, we are happy to discuss your booking with you, as many of our nannies are happy to travel further. 

Do you service outside of Victoria?
We are open to discussing this!
Our nanny network is wide, and we may have the perfect nanny for you available in Sydney, Brisbane, Darwin, Perth or Adelaide.
If the location is outside of these, we are still open to discussing or pointing you in the right direction.

Do you have qualifications?
Our nannies all have extensive experience, with varying qualifications. As there is no nanny qualification, most of our nannies have studied early childhood, nursing or are certified Doula’s, some have been swim teachers, dance teachers or gymnastics coaches too. We are very proud to offer top quality nannies to our clients with a wide range of experience.
All of our nannies have their WWCC, First Aid & CPR and minimum 2 checked references.
We are happy to provide you with these checks too.

Do you have a booking fee?
Yes. We have a $100 Booking Fee.
The Booking Fee is required to secure your nanny booking and cover the administrative processes involved.
The booking fee is reduced if you book through us again.

How do I book and pay?
After your initial enquiry, we will give you a quote for the job.
If you accept the quote, we will send you the The Booking Fee invoice, Family Information Form and Bridal Bliss Nannies Contract. When all of this is filled out, your booking is secure.
Information about how to pay your nanny will also be in this email.

Have another question that isn’t listed?
Please send us an email hello@bridalblissnannies.com.au
or an enquiry with your additional questions.